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He graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava and obtained a habilitation at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Since graduating in 1994, he has been teaching several professional economic subjects. Since 2002 he has worked resp. He works as a university teacher and manager at several universities, the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, the University College Prague and the Danubius University in Sládkovičovo. He continuously publishes and actively participates scientifically in the academic environment.
Teoretické a praktické otázky prístupu verejného marketingu k verejnej politike (2015)
Vybrané otázky z problematiky ekonómie (2014)
Rozpory a protirečenia deklarovanej snahy budovania trvalo udržateľného rozvoja (2014)
Problémy marketingu vo verejnom sektore (2013)
Základy marketingu (2010)