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He received his education in the strategic continental triangle of the United States, Europe and Asia. He lived in the United States and Taiwan for a long time. He graduated from Tamkang University of Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan, where he focused on Southeast Asia with an emphasis on China. He continued his education in Moravia, where he studied doctoral studies at the Department of International Relations and European Studies at the Faculty of Social Studies at Masaryk University in Brno. He also completed short study visits at the University of Oslo in Norway, Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, South Korea, and also at Beijing University in Beijing, China. He spoke at a number of conferences with contributions:
– Cooperation or Sanctions: The Future of EU-China Relations,
– Influence of media on safety perception
– Influence of fear of crime on fear of external actor
– Coercive Diplomacy: The Case of North Korea
– European Arms Trade to China
– Chinese Double Standard of Human Rights and its Effects Upon Trade and International Relations concerning Africa
and he also publishes in professional foreign publications.
Chinese Double Standard of Human Rights and its Effects Upon Trade and International Relations Concerning Africa (2009), European Arms Trade with the People’s Republic of China (2012)
He is a co-author of publications: France, Germany, and the United Kingdom: The Arms Trade with the People’s Republic of China (2011), Ideological Sources of China’s International Behaviour (2013), Teorie nátlakové diplomacie (2019)
He is the author of contributions: Vzdělávání v problematice mezinárodních vztahů, The Legitimacy of Regimes in Exile
He is the co-author of chapters in monographs: Ideological Sources of China’s International Behaviour (2013), Teorie nátlakové diplomacie (2019) v knize Destabilizace bezpečnostního prostředí na počátku 21. století a reakce mezinárodního společenství.