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Historian of the Middle East and international relations, Arabist, Islamologist (born October 14, 1952 in Hranice na Moravě). In 1977 he graduated in history-philosophy-arabic, 2008 professor of international political relations (VŠE).
Since 1977 he has been working at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, 2004–14 Director of the Institute of the Near East and Africa, since 2016 Professor at the College of International and Public Relations in Prague, Head of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy. He lectures on the history of Islamic countries, Islam, the history of diplomacy and international relations, diplomatic protocol. He gained experience at a number of European and Arab universities, visited many Middle Eastern countries.
In 2008–12 he was a representative of the Czech Republic in the Advisory Committee of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue, 1984–85 he worked in Libya, 1991–93 he worked at the Embassy in Tripoli and Damascus. From 1993 to 1997 he was an advisor to the Ministry of Finance and in 2002 to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. From 2014 to 17 he was an advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1994–99 he was Vice-President of the Czech-Arab Chamber of Commerce and since 1993 is the Vice-Chairman of the Czech-Arab Society.
Revolučně demokratické strany na Blízkém východě (1986)
Úvod do dějin islámských zemí (1994)
Moderní dějiny islámských zemí (1999)
Dramatický půlměsíc (2001)
Kmeny a klany v arabské politice (2004)
Kmeny a klany v arabském Maghribu (2007)
Dějiny Egypta (2009)
Dějiny Iráku (2013)
Dějiny Libye (2015)
Dějiny mezinárodních politických vztahů I. (2019)
He is preparing: Dějiny Sýrie, Libanonu a Jordánska.