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University College Prague / Quiz / International management and marketing
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1. What designation is used to define a competitive advantage, the uniqueness of a product or service?
A - Unique selling point (USP)
2. Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing segments, with up to $ 332 billion invested in online advertising worldwide in 2020. By how much should this amount increase by 2024?
C - 58%
3. To analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization and the opportunities and threats from outside the organization, managers and marketers shall use:
C - SWOT analysis
4. Which platform is the most used worldwide for the so-called PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns?
A - Google Ads
5. The marketing mix is a collection of four basic marketing tools that companies use to achieve their goals. In addition to the "Product" and "Price", this also includes:
B - "Place" and "Promotion"
6. On average, how much more are videos shared on social networks than text and image posts combined?
D - 1200%
7. Which social network is the most popular in Russia?
B - VKontakte
8. What % of YouTube videos are played on mobile devices?
D - 75%
9. Which famous experiment confirmed that people have a strong tendency to submit to authority? Also, on the basis of this study, socially recognized authorities such as doctors, scientists and the like gradually began to appear in advertisements.
A - Milgram experiment
10. Who is considered the so-called the father of marketing? Among other things, he published the world's most recognized textbook on marketing and management for universities - Marketing management.
A - Philip Kotler
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