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Date: November 10-11, 2022 Venue: The Grand Mark Prague, Hybernská 12, Prague 1, Czech Republic and University of International Public Relations Prague o.p.s., U Santošky 17, Prague 5, Czech Republic
Focus of the conference: The conference continues to develop the tradition of annual meetings and presentations of the results of domestic and foreign experts from the fields of economics, accounting, finance, taxes; International relations, diplomacy and public relations; Management and Marketing; Hospitality, tourism, wellness; Logistics; Didactics of not only economic subjects
Progress of the conference: The conference is a two-day event, the first day is focused on the plenary session and will be a presentation of the most important academic staff and experts in the given areas and programs ending with a festive evening with a banquet. The second day is followed by meetings in sections.
Outputs from the conference: Publication of selected scientific and professional articles in peer-reviewed journals JOURNAL of Diplomatic and Social Studies (VŠMVV), Czech Hospitality and Tourism Papers (VŠHE ), Acta logistica Moravica (VŠLG).
Proceedings from the conference will be submitted for placement in SCOPUS and other databases for the required review process.
Conference fee: €160 or CZK 3,800 Payment of the deposit by 30 October 2022 to the account of the Czech branch of the VŠMVV: Account number: 86-8965510257/0100. For payments from abroad: IBAN: CZ6201000000868965510257, SWIFT Code: KOMBCZPPXXX
Information about the conference, registration and contacts can be found here
The Department of Financial and Accounting Studies of the University of Hotel and Economics is organizing the 13th Annual Accounting and Tax Conference, which is again focused on interesting solutions and news in the field of accounting, VAT, personal income tax and corporate income tax. High-quality lecturers present the legislation in the given area, related jurisprudence, but also practical solutions in an understandable form, as they actively work as auditors and tax advisors. Within the individual specialist blocks, lecturers will prepare written materials for their lectures and will also define sufficient space for questions from the participants. The two-day conference (with the option of splitting and paying for individual days) will take place in Znojmo in the school building at Loucká Street 656/21. The conference will also be broadcast online.
Application form and price list
You can register for the conference by 25 November 2022 here or by email to
(Prices include VAT)
On Wednesday, March 30, the 10th annual international scientific conference Current trends in the spa industry, hotel industry and tourism took place at VŠHE. This year, the conference focused on topics related to the digitalization of tourism.
In the introductory, plenary part, 6 lecturers spoke with key contributions, mainly providing information on the current state and development of the application and the use of modern information technologies in the tourism and hotel industry. Among the speakers were, for example, the current director of the Czech Tourism Office - CzechTourism, dr. Herget, doc. Gajdošík from Matej Bel University in Bánská Bystrica, doc. Hán from the University of Hotel and Economics, doc. Palatková, former director of the Czech Tourism Center - CzechTourism and employee of the University of International and Public Relations in Prague, Martin Kotek, employee of the Czech Technical University in Prague and at the same time president of the Virtual and Augmented Reality Association and Ing. Jaromír Pažout, director of the Czech and Slovak branch of Bookassist.
This was followed by a panel discussion moderated by dr. Chalupou from the University of Hotel and Economics on the subject of Information technology in the hotel industry and gastronomy. Together with Ing. Válou from the company Storyous, Ing. Markvartem from MAKRO Cash & Carry CR and Ing. Dr. Pažout from the Bookassist company discussed Cottage about current challenges, opportunities, strengths, but also weaknesses and risks of the application of information technology in the Czech gastronomy and hotel industry. The involvement of the conference participants in the discussion created a very shared and open atmosphere that not only informed, but above all inspired all participants to further intensive work in this area.
In the afternoon part of the conference, there were 3 specialist sections focused on "Data and its use in tourism management" (the section was chaired by Dr. Chalupa from the University of Hotel and Economics), "New technologies for growth" (the section was chaired by Martin Kotek from the Czech University of Technology in Prague) and "Trends in the development of tourism" (the section was directed by Prof. Gajdošík from Matej Bel University in Bánská Bystrica). Over 20 speakers spoke during the sessions, whose professional contributions often sparked an open and positive discussion on current topics regarding the use of modern information technologies in the management of tourism, hotel, spa and gastronomy entities.
During the conference, there were also three professional workshops focusing on the use of virtual reality in the training of hotel workers (the workshop was led by Dr. Jenčková from the PHC company in the virtual reality classroom of VŠHE), pairing of cocktails and dishes (the workshop was led by Dr. Zelený from the University of Hotel and Economics) and Czech traditional regional sweet specialties (the workshop was led by Ing. Petránková from the University of Hotel and Economics). The workshops were not only a pleasant addition to the professional program of the conference, but in themselves they brought both the participants and the organizers a lot of practical experience and knowledge.
The conference ended during a festive evening (and night), during which the rich discussion of the participants continued, the establishment of new contacts and, above all, the joint formation of a unified and cooperating community of academic and practical experts in the field of tourism, hotel industry, spa industry and gastronomy mainly from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.
The next, 11th edition of the conference Current trends in the spa industry, hotel industry and tourism will take place in April 2023 in Jelení Hora, Poland. The specific professional focus will be specified by the end of this year.
<a href="/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/sbornik-current-trends-in-spa-hospitality-and-tourism-isbn.pdf?x24643">Sbornik</a> <a href="/fotogalerie/">Photogallery</a>