Why study this specialization?
The AUDIT specialization will allow the student to pay more attention to small, medium and large entities that are required to have their accounts audited. The student will get acquainted with the nature of the audit, the basic rules by which the auditor follows, understand the mandatory stages of the audit, will be acquainted with audit procedures, especially audit planning, audit risk and its evaluation and the obligation to document audit work. Will understand the auditor's report, including the wording of the auditor's statements.
The focus on FINANCIAL CONTROLLING will enable the student to orient himself or herself very well in accounting and financial information and thus be an important support for the owners of business corporations or the management of non-profit entities. Financial controlling is a management subsystem of every business corporation. The task of the controller is not only to support the management of the company with information, but also to coordinate and orientate in planning and control and to set up a system of rules that help the achievement of company goals.
The specialization is taught only in the Czech language.